
I was looking over old photos last night and came across this one taken on our Great Eastern Australia Road Trip of 2007, where we spent 3 nights in Port Macquarie on the way home. It is SUCH a beautiful spot as you can see in the photo below.

Toby wanted a pic of him with the Ironman logo that is marked everywhere along the run course. Who would have thought that three years later we will be back there and he will be competing in it... I say go Toby!

In supporter news, the support crew - so far consisting of Tobys family and my family are going to be decking ourselves out in wicked tee-shirts for the day, thinking of a cool design to do for them... if anyone wants to support the man on the day with a shirt, let me know, I'll put you on the list. The more the merrier!


  1. Go Toby Max! Excited about tee shirts. Put me on the order list.Am counting down with the clock

  2. via email....

    you guys are just so commited to this triathlon/ironman you blow my mind, toby you appear to be just soooo focused along with your dedicated triathlon WAG, what a team!!! will continue following the blog with interest, enjoy b/port!
    cheers, your west beach fans

  3. They don't come much "More merrier" Than I.
    Put me on that T Shirt List.
    Go TEAM TOBY ;-)
